Hollenbach Oakley & Horizon Commercial Reality Public Relations Work
The work attached below is from my position as Director of Marketing at Hollenbach Oakley & Horizon Commercial Reality. All images can be accredited to myself and all building renderings are accredited to DKN.
Industrial Buildings Marketing Material
Fortune 500 Company Selling 2 Industrial Buildings
Trane Marketing Packet
The following content was developed under Horizon Commercial Reality for the listing of two Trane buildings. One is an office space and directly adjacent is a warehouse with availability for mixed use within Blakenbaker Station, a Class A Business Park. All images displayed are taken and edited by MaryCarol Kuhn.

WKU Public Relations Courses
Example Work
The work attached below is from my courses at Western Kentucky University. Many of the pieces pertain to legitimate companies, however it should be noted these are mock-ups and I was not hired to for the creation of these works.
News Releases
Download Now
Mock Allstate Social Media News Release
News Pitch: Immerse yourself sitting outside relaxed on a virtual call April 2 via Zoom from 2-3 p.m. hearing stories from those impacted by the Allstate Foundation.
Mock Public Relations Podcast News Release
The podcast is called "The Public Relations Review Podcast", which is dedicated to discussing the many facets of public relations through professionals, educators, authors and even students.
Radio Advertisment
I created this advertisement for my BCOM 325 course and I was not hired for this advertisement, it is a mock-up. The objective of this project was to bring families into Halloween Express in order to shop for costumes and fall decor. The attached audio clip plays for 30 seconds.
Social Media Work
The content within this section is from both assignments I created within my courses, as well as work I developed for the WKU Alumni Association.
Mock Sweet Shop
Facebook Campaign for Bowling Green KY Company
Mock Sweet Shop Facebook Campaign
The following content was a mock assignment for my MKT331 course. A weeks worth of mock social media posts correlating with the opening of a local Bowling Green, Ky dessert store. Below you are able to download and learn target audience and audience rational regarding the following Facebook posts.

WKU Day of Caring
Instagram Stories
WKU Day of Caring Instagram Story Campaign
Because of my role as Marketing & Communications Intern for the WKU Alumni Association, I created multiple graphics for the @WKU @WKUAlumni & @WKUPhilanthropy Instagram Stories. All of the stories displayed below were developed for engagement on April 15th, 2021 - WKU's Day of Caring. The image within the first three graphics is by Marycarol Kuhn Photography.

The first video I created for the WKU Alumni Association regarding Day of Caring. The second video is Kappa Delta Delta Gamma's 2019 recruitment video. For both of these videos I shot all of the content as well as came up with the creative direction.

“If I was down to my last dollar, I would spend it on public relations.”